It’s Pronounced What?!?

Portland has its unexpected pronunciations of Couch and Glisan streets which can out a foreigner in one or two syllables. And, of course, a person’s pronunciation of the Willamette can pin point them as a tourist with laser precision. And don’t even get us started on the ways people mispronounce Oregon.

The very name of the town of Scappoose can trip up the residents of even our nearest suburbs just over the pass. So, we’re here to help you fit in with the locals by pronouncing Scappoose correctly.

The key is that the emphasis is on the second syllable. Also, the letter “a” sounds like it does in the word “that,” or “at,” not like “ugh.”.

Scappoose rhymes with:

  • That Moose
  • Smack Loose

Things Scappoose doesn’t rhyme with:

  • Suppose
  • Skull Crows

Now try it and see if you can fit in with the locals on Karaoke night!